Child is father of the man,
Here is a child, bent with weight.
A bag slung on the back with the books of knowledge,
Treading a weary path,
Dreams and hopes for a better morrow.
Wish he grows up to be
A responsible citizen,
Imbibed with values to bring a change
To the chaos around,
Making the world a treasure house
Of peace and happiness.
The Boy: Write Tribe Wednesday Prompt 27 November 2013
A nice poem full of hope and positivity.
But what struck me was the phrase'bent with weight'.A way must be found to get rid of this back- breaking burden without compromising the quality of education.
the last two lines send a strong message of hope. and yes I too agree with KP's suggestion of doing away with the weight on the back without compromising with quality of education.
I agree, education has become more burdensome than fulfilling. Indeed, he is bent with weight.
Nice poem :)
Do check my take on the prompt here –
Thank you all for the encouragement
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